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Thursday 4 September 2014

Three Billy Goats Gruff

Have you heard of the Three Billy Goats Gruff? Have you considered the right and wrong? Well I have. The three billy goats clearly shouldn't have crossed the bridge. Firstly, the bridge was clearly the trolls property and plus they needed permission to cross the bridge. They shouldn't have just demanded to cross the bridge and I think they should have been punished big time. What if that was your property? What would you feel like? Secondly, the goats were so mean that they almost killed the troll. The three goats were probably thinking very mean things in their heads, like he’s fat, and so many more. In addition, they were pretty much the trolls only hope to eat, unlike the three goats. They can eat heaps of grass (imagine a troll eating grass. I’d pay to watch this one). I reckon the three goats shouldn't have crossed the bridge because it was the troll’s property. They should definitely be punished by doing chores. By Ryan